28 October, 2014

Simple script to check for firewall cluster failover


I thought that you may like a very simple (but powerful) script to check if your firewall filed over to the standby node.

The script is made from 3 files:

  • active_fw_ip.txt
  • standby_fw_ip.txt
  • Checked_FailOver_FW.cmd
The first 2 files contain exactly what they mean, each one has the IP of the active / standby firewall, to know what IP to save in the file just run a tracert command and see what is the IP that the fw is using. (if not ask your network guy).

Next, save the following content to Checked_FailOver_FW.cmd file:


rem *** get last check details ***
set /p active_fw_ip=
set /p standby_fw_ip=
set checked_ip=

rem *** execute check ***
tracert -d -h 2 %checked_ip% | findstr "%active_fw_ip%"
if %errorlevel% == 0 goto All_OK else 
goto ip_changed

echo Nothing Changed...
goto end


rem *** check if failover happened or something else ***

tracert -d -h 2 %checked_ip% | findstr "%standby_fw_ip%"
if %errorlevel% == 0 goto FailedOver else 
goto Error_in_check

rem *** update files ***
echo %standby_fw_ip% > active_fw_ip.txt
echo %active_fw_ip% > standby_fw_ip.txt

echo echo FW Failed Over !!!

rem *** Here you put
rem *** any alerts
rem *** you may want
rem *** for a fail-over

goto end


rem *** Probebly check did not go OK ***
echo Check did not executed OK, check...

rem *** Here you put
rem *** any alerts
rem *** you may want
rem *** for a failed check


just fill in the action you want taken when the firewall failed over or when the check did not go well.


[from several checks that I did it seems that the script will work only if the firewall that you check is your default gateway... sorry...]

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