I have several sites with fortigate as the firewall and a lot of on the fly changes on them, I wrote a script for automatic backup of the fortigates, it uses the following tools:
- 7zip
You need to prepare a FTP site to backup to, I created the site on the machine that runs the backup and this way I can zip it up after the backup completes.
just run it once a day and it will keep history for each day.
change each [] field with your values.
echo off
set user=[username]
rd D:\Backup\Fortigate\Temp /s /q
md D:\Backup\Fortigate\Temp
set pass=[password]
set hostIP=x.x.x.x
set hostName=[Fortigate Name]
set next=2nd
goto start_bk
set pass=[password]
set hostIP=x.x.x.x
set hostName=[Fortigate Name]
set next=3rd
goto start_bk
set pass=[password]
set hostIP=x.x.x.x
set hostName=[Fortigate Name]
set next=7zip
goto start_bk
echo === Backing up %hostName% at %hostIP% ===
echo execute backup config ftp /fortigate/Temp/%hostname%_%hostIP%.conf [traget ftp ip] [ftp user] [ftp password] > Command.txt
plink -ssh %hostIP% -l %user% -pw %pass% -m D:\Work\Fortigates_Backup\Command.txt
del command.txt /q
goto %next%
Set MONTH=%DATE:~4,2%
Set DAY=%DATE:~7,2%
Set YEAR=%DATE:~10,4%
7z.exe a -r "D:\Backup\Fortigate\FG_%DAY%-%MONTH%-%YEAR%.zip" D:\Backup\Fortigate\Temp\*.*
have fun.
This is awesome! Thanks I will try it out and let you know how it works.
You forgot the actual backup command or "Command.txt" file...
ReplyDeleteI suppose typing "show" would be enough, no?
Oh never mind...
DeleteI see what you did there.