I posted a blog a while back on how to delete all snapshots from SR.
I found it not working 100%, so I wrote a new script that deletes all Snapshots by name.
So if you use the backup script I wrote you can use this as a pre-step to delete old snapshots.
Here it is:
echo === deleting old snapshot ===
set user=[user]
set password=[password]
set server=[IP]
echo Start at:
echo %date% - %time%
C:\Progra~1\Citrix\XenCenter\xe.exe -s %server% -u %user% -pw %Password% template-list name-label=4Backup --minimal > Old_tempates.txt
for /f "tokens=1 delims=," %%G in (Old_tempates.txt) do (
if [%%G] EQU [] (goto end) else (
C:\Progra~1\Citrix\XenCenter\xe.exe -s %server% -u %user% -pw %Password% template-param-set is-a-template=false uuid=%%G
C:\Progra~1\Citrix\XenCenter\xe.exe -s %server% -u %user% -pw %Password% vm-uninstall uuid=%%G force=true
goto start
25 July, 2010
21 July, 2010
Remote enable RDP on 2003 and XP
Remote desktop is not enabled by default with Windows XP and Win 2003 Server.
However, you can connect through the network to a remote registry and enable it.
The key you need is :
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server
Change fdenyTSconnections from 1 to 0 and then remotely connect to the PC you need.
You can also do "reg add \\[machine name]\HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server /v fdenyTSconnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f"
replacing [] woth your remote machine name.
I do not need to tell you that you need admin rights on the remote machine to do this...
However, you can connect through the network to a remote registry and enable it.
The key you need is :
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server
Change fdenyTSconnections from 1 to 0 and then remotely connect to the PC you need.
You can also do "reg add \\[machine name]\HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server /v fdenyTSconnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f"
replacing [] woth your remote machine name.
I do not need to tell you that you need admin rights on the remote machine to do this...
19 July, 2010
Automatic script for Zip and delete files
I have a SQL backup directory and wanted a script to auto zip the files and delete them after a succesful zipping.
Here you go (using 7-zip):
FOR %%f in (*.bak) do (
7z.exe a %%f.7z %%f
if %errorlevel%==0 (del %%f /q)
easy, no ?
Here you go (using 7-zip):
FOR %%f in (*.bak) do (
7z.exe a %%f.7z %%f
if %errorlevel%==0 (del %%f /q)
easy, no ?
08 July, 2010
Live Xen Backup using a batch job
I like batch jobs more than VBS, I'm old fashion. :)
I wrote a script to backup Xen Server guests machines using batch.
The script will clean old snapshots with a single SR, then will try to create a snapshot with quiesce (using VSS) and if not successful, will do a regular backup.
It contains 4 files:
1. VM_List.exe - the list of the vm names you want to backup (one per line)
2. Step1.cmd - the file you need to run, will enumerate the list of machines to backup
3. Step2.cmd - a command to delete all the old snapshots (more complicated that it sounds)
4. Step3.cmd - the actual backup script
and now the content of the files (VM_List.exe I believe you can create yourself):
Replace [] with your data.
echo off
set server=[pool master ip]
set user=root
set password=[password]
call XenBackup-Snapshots-step2.cmd > log_snap.txt
for /f %%A in (vm_list.txt) do (XenBackup-Snapshots-step3.cmd %%A >>log_snap.txt)
Step2.cmd: (I assume you have 1 SR, if you have more just replicate this script per SR)
echo === deleting old snapshot ===
echo Start at:
echo %date% - %time%
C:\Progra~1\Citrix\XenCenter\xe.exe -s %server% -u %user% -pw %Password% vdi-list is-a-snapshot=true sr-uuid=[sr-uuid] --minimal > vdi.txt
for /f "tokens=1 delims=," %%G in (vdi.txt) do (
if [%%G] EQU [] goto end
C:\Progra~1\Citrix\XenCenter\xe.exe -s %server% -u %user% -pw %Password% vdi-destroy uuid=%%G
goto start
echo off
setLocal EnableDELAYedExpansion
title ***** Working on %1 *****
echo ***** Start working on %1 *****
echo === Start Backup for %1 ===
echo Start at:
echo %date% - %time%
set vm_uuid=
set template_uuid=
"C:\Program Files\Citrix\XenCenter\xe.exe" -s -u %user% -pw %Password% vm-list name-label="%1" --minimal > vm_uuid.txt
set /p vm_uuid=
set snapshot-type=vm-snapshot-with-quiesce
C:\Progra~1\Citrix\XenCenter\xe.exe -s %server% -u %user% -pw %Password% %snapshot-type% new-name-label=backup uuid=%vm_uuid% > template_uuid.txt
set /p template_uuid=
set C=-
set N=
if !template_uuid:~0^,1! equ !C! (
set /a N+=1
if "!template_uuid:~1!" neq "" (
set template_uuid=!template_uuid:~1!
goto :loop
if !N! NEQ 4 do (
if %snapshot-type%==vm-snapshot goto no_snap else
set snapshot-type=vm-snapshot
goto snapshot
C:\Progra~1\Citrix\XenCenter\xe.exe -s %server% -u %user% -pw %Password% template-export template-uuid=%template_uuid% filename=d:\VM_Backup\%1.xva
echo NO SNAPSHOT !!!
echo %date% - %time%
echo ***** End working on %1 *****
I like batch jobs more than VBS, I'm old fashion. :)
I wrote a script to backup Xen Server guests machines using batch.
The script will clean old snapshots with a single SR, then will try to create a snapshot with quiesce (using VSS) and if not successful, will do a regular backup.
It contains 4 files:
1. VM_List.exe - the list of the vm names you want to backup (one per line)
2. Step1.cmd - the file you need to run, will enumerate the list of machines to backup
3. Step2.cmd - a command to delete all the old snapshots (more complicated that it sounds)
4. Step3.cmd - the actual backup script
and now the content of the files (VM_List.exe I believe you can create yourself):
Replace [] with your data.
echo off
set server=[pool master ip]
set user=root
set password=[password]
call XenBackup-Snapshots-step2.cmd > log_snap.txt
for /f %%A in (vm_list.txt) do (XenBackup-Snapshots-step3.cmd %%A >>log_snap.txt)
Step2.cmd: (I assume you have 1 SR, if you have more just replicate this script per SR)
echo === deleting old snapshot ===
echo Start at:
echo %date% - %time%
C:\Progra~1\Citrix\XenCenter\xe.exe -s %server% -u %user% -pw %Password% vdi-list is-a-snapshot=true sr-uuid=[sr-uuid] --minimal > vdi.txt
for /f "tokens=1 delims=," %%G in (vdi.txt) do (
if [%%G] EQU [] goto end
C:\Progra~1\Citrix\XenCenter\xe.exe -s %server% -u %user% -pw %Password% vdi-destroy uuid=%%G
goto start
echo off
setLocal EnableDELAYedExpansion
title ***** Working on %1 *****
echo ***** Start working on %1 *****
echo === Start Backup for %1 ===
echo Start at:
echo %date% - %time%
set vm_uuid=
set template_uuid=
"C:\Program Files\Citrix\XenCenter\xe.exe" -s -u %user% -pw %Password% vm-list name-label="%1" --minimal > vm_uuid.txt
set /p vm_uuid=
set snapshot-type=vm-snapshot-with-quiesce
C:\Progra~1\Citrix\XenCenter\xe.exe -s %server% -u %user% -pw %Password% %snapshot-type% new-name-label=backup uuid=%vm_uuid% > template_uuid.txt
set /p template_uuid=
set C=-
set N=
if !template_uuid:~0^,1! equ !C! (
set /a N+=1
if "!template_uuid:~1!" neq "" (
set template_uuid=!template_uuid:~1!
goto :loop
if !N! NEQ 4 do (
if %snapshot-type%==vm-snapshot goto no_snap else
set snapshot-type=vm-snapshot
goto snapshot
C:\Progra~1\Citrix\XenCenter\xe.exe -s %server% -u %user% -pw %Password% template-export template-uuid=%template_uuid% filename=d:\VM_Backup\%1.xva
echo NO SNAPSHOT !!!
echo %date% - %time%
echo ***** End working on %1 *****
07 July, 2010
Automated internet speed check (using external FTP)
I wanted to check the internet speed every week to be sure that we don't have any reduction from what the ISP should give us.
Asked the ISP for a FTP location and wrote a script that gives me a log each week with a download/upload speed.
The script has 2 files:
1. the FTP script
2. the CMD file
- name the ftp script transfer.txt
- replace the [] in transfer.txt with your info
- create a file for transfer and save it as c:\temp\TestFile.dat. (I used Lan Speed Test)
- You can edit the script to fit your environment
CMD file:
echo off
rem *** create a unique log file by date ***
Set MONTH=%DATE:~4,2%
Set DAY=%DATE:~7,2%
Set YEAR=%DATE:~10,4%
set output=%YEAR%-%MONTH%-%DAY%.txt
echo The test was performed on the %DATE% at %TIME% > %output%
echo. >> %output%
rem *** run the test ***
ftp -s:Transfer.txt > ftp_output.txt
rem *** extract the important lines from the log ***
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,5,6,7 delims= " %%A in (ftp_output.txt) do (
if "%%A"=="ftp:" (echo %%A %%D %%G >> %output%)
after you have the file you can mail it or just archive it.
Transfer.txt (replace the [] with your info):
open [your.ftp.server]
put c:\temp\TestFile.dat TestFile.dat
get TestFile.dat c:\temp\TestFile.dat
the log file would look like this:
The test was performed on the Tue 07/06/2010 at 11:30:10.78
ftp: received 2780.83Kbytes/sec.
ftp: sent 1874.44Kbytes/sec.
I wanted to check the internet speed every week to be sure that we don't have any reduction from what the ISP should give us.
Asked the ISP for a FTP location and wrote a script that gives me a log each week with a download/upload speed.
The script has 2 files:
1. the FTP script
2. the CMD file
- name the ftp script transfer.txt
- replace the [] in transfer.txt with your info
- create a file for transfer and save it as c:\temp\TestFile.dat. (I used Lan Speed Test)
- You can edit the script to fit your environment
CMD file:
echo off
rem *** create a unique log file by date ***
Set MONTH=%DATE:~4,2%
Set DAY=%DATE:~7,2%
Set YEAR=%DATE:~10,4%
set output=%YEAR%-%MONTH%-%DAY%.txt
echo The test was performed on the %DATE% at %TIME% > %output%
echo. >> %output%
rem *** run the test ***
ftp -s:Transfer.txt > ftp_output.txt
rem *** extract the important lines from the log ***
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,5,6,7 delims= " %%A in (ftp_output.txt) do (
if "%%A"=="ftp:" (echo %%A %%D %%G >> %output%)
after you have the file you can mail it or just archive it.
Transfer.txt (replace the [] with your info):
open [your.ftp.server]
put c:\temp\TestFile.dat TestFile.dat
get TestFile.dat c:\temp\TestFile.dat
the log file would look like this:
The test was performed on the Tue 07/06/2010 at 11:30:10.78
ftp: received 2780.83Kbytes/sec.
ftp: sent 1874.44Kbytes/sec.
04 July, 2010
Difference between Microsoft Access Runtime and Retail
One of my clients asked me to give him a list of all the machines that runs MS Access Retail and list of MS Access Run-time.
I looked and looked and couldn't find any differences between the versions. The files are the same, the DLL's are the same. I was frustrated.
I used procmon.exe from sysinternal and found that there is no difference in the actual files but only registry settings !!!
Here there are:
One of my clients asked me to give him a list of all the machines that runs MS Access Retail and list of MS Access Run-time.
I looked and looked and couldn't find any differences between the versions. The files are the same, the DLL's are the same. I was frustrated.
I used procmon.exe from sysinternal and found that there is no difference in the actual files but only registry settings !!!
Here there are:
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