29 April, 2010

Symantec Backup Exec remote agent manual update


I had problems with remote updating BackupExec remote Agent, some update went OK but others just failed.
Symantec will not give an easy way to manually deploy those updates and when they multiply it's a lot of work...

I found an easy way to it, follow this steps:

1. copy the following folder localy: "\\[BEServerName]\c$\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Agents\RAWS32\Updates" (RAWS32 should be replaced with RAWSX64 depends on your OS)

2. create a CMD file in that directory and copy the following to the file:

rem ===== this will list all BE Agent updates in dates order and will apply them ====
dir /OD /B *.msp > files.txt

for /f %%A in (files.txt) do (msiexec /update %%A /passive /norestart)

rem ==== the end (easy no ?) =====

3. run the CMD file...