31 January, 2010

Restart BlackBerry server services

Just another thing I caught in one of the days, wanted to share with you:

net stop "BlackBerry Controller"
net stop "BlackBerry Dispatcher"
net stop "BlackBerry Router"
net stop "BlackBerry Synchronization Service"
net stop "BlackBerry Policy Service"
net stop "BlackBerry MDS Connection Service"
net stop "BlackBerry Attachment Service"
net stop "BlackBerry Alert"


net start "BlackBerry Router"
net start "BlackBerry Dispatcher"
net start "BlackBerry Controller"
net start "BlackBerry Synchronization Service"
net start "BlackBerry Policy Service"
net start "BlackBerry MDS Connection Service"
net start "BlackBerry Attachment Service"
net start "BlackBerry Alert"

rem === based on kb: http://www.blackberry.com/btsc/dynamickc.do?externalId=KB13718&sliceId=SAL_Public&command=show&forward=nonthreadedKC&kcId=KB13718 ===

20 January, 2010

NIC Disable enable script...

Small script to disable and enable the NIC:

netsh int set int name="Local Area Connection" admin=DISABLED
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto no_disable

netsh int set int name="Local Area Connection" admin=ENABLED
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto no_enable
goto end

echo Could not disable
goto end

echo Could not enable
